Arithmetic operators
Arithmetic operators are used in programming and mathematics to perform basic mathematical operations on numbers. These operators are fundamental in performing mathematical calculations and are commonly used in programming languages to manipulate numerical data.
<html> <head> <title>PHP operators</title> </head> <body> <?php $x=5;//Variable declaration $y=10;//Variable declaration echo "Addition:".($x+$y)."<br>";//+Adds two operands to produce the sum of their values. For example, 2 + 3 equals 5. echo "Subtraction:".($x-$y)."<br>";//-Subtracts the second operand from the first operand to give the difference. For example, 7 - 4 equals 3. echo "Multiplication:".($x*$y)."<br>";//*Multiplies two operands together to produce their product. For example, 5 * 6 equals 30. echo "Division:".($x/$y)."<br>";//(/)divides one number by another and returns the quotient. echo "Modulus:".($x%$y)."<br>";//%Returns the remainder when the first operand is divided by the second operand. For example, 17 % 5 equals 2 echo "Exponent:".($x**$y)."<br>";//The ** operator raises a number to the power of another number. ?> </body> </html>
Assignment Operator
Assignment operators are used in programming to assign a value to a variable.
Assignment operators are essential in storing and updating values in variables, enabling dynamic and interactive programming.
<title>Assignment operators</title>
echo "***Addition***"."<br>";//print statement with line break
$b=10;//variable declaration
echo "Before Appling Addition:".$b."<br>";//print statement
$b+=50;//+= (Addition assignment operator): The addition assignment operator adds the value on the right side to the value of the variable on the left side, and then assigns the result back to the variable
echo " After Appling Addition:".$b."<br>";//print statement
echo "***Subtraction***"."<br>";//print statement with line break
$b=10;//variable declaration
echo "Before Appling Subtraction:".$b."<br>";//print statement
$b-=50;//-= (Subtraction assignment operator): The subtraction assignment operator subtracts the value on the right side from the value of the variable on the left side, and then assigns the result back to the variable.
echo " After Appling Subtraction:".$b."<br>";//print statement
echo "***Multiplication***"."<br>";//print statement
$b=10;////variable declaration
echo "Before Appling Muliplication:".$b."<br>";//print statement
$b*=50;//*=(Multiplication assignment operator): The multiplication assignment operator multiplies the value of the variable on the left side by the value on the right side, and then assigns the result back to the variable.
echo " After Appling Multiplication:".$b."<br>";//print statement
echo "***Division***"."<br>";//print statement
$b=10;////variable declaration
echo "Before Appling Division:".$b."<br>";//print statement
$b/=50;///= (Division assignment operator): The division assignment operator divides the value of the variable on the left side by the value on the right side, and then assigns the result back to the variable.
echo " After Appling Division:".$b."<br>";//print statement
echo "***Modulus***"."<br>";//print statement
$b=10;////variable declaration
echo "Before Appling Modulus:".$b."<br>";//print statement
$b%=50;//%= (Modulo assignment operator): The modulo assignment operator calculates the remainder of the division between the value of the variable on the left side and the value on the right side, and then assigns the result back to the variable.
echo " After Appling Modulus:".$b."<br>";//print statement
Comparison Operators
Comparison operators are used in programming and mathematics to compare two values and determine their relationship.These comparison operators are frequently used in programming to make decisions based on the relationship between values, such as in conditional statements or sorting algorithms.
<title>Comparison Operators</title>
echo"***Equal operator== using***"."<br>"; //NO 1
$a=5;//variable declaration
$b=5;//variable declaration
if($a==$b)//check condition equal or not equal
echo "value are equal";//print statement
echo "value are not equal";//print statement
echo "<br>";//Line break
echo"*** using identical operator=== ***"."<br>"; //NO 2
$a=5;//variable declaration
$b=5.0;//variable declaration
if($a===$b)//check condition equal and same data type
echo "value are identical";//print statement
echo "value are not identical";//print statement
echo"<br>";//linr braek
echo"*** using NotEqual operator!= ***"."<br>"; //NO 3
$a=5;//varibale declaraction
$b=5;//variable declaraction
if($a!=$b)//( you can also use <> both have same meaning)check condition not equal
echo "value are not equal";//print statement
echo "value are equal";//print statement
echo"*** using greaterthen operator> ***"."<br>"; //NO 4
$a=5;//varibale declaraction
$b=5;//variable declaraction
if($a>$b)//check condition greater then
echo "value greater then";//print statement
echo "value not greater then";//print statement
echo"<br>";//line break
echo"*** using greaterthen&equal operator<= ***"."<br>"; //NO 5
$a=5;//varibale declaraction
$b=10;//variable declaraction
if($a<=$b)//check statement less then and equal
echo " a is smaller then b";//print statement
echo "b is smaller the a";//print statement
echo"*** using lessgthen&equal operator>= ***"."<br>"; //NO 6
$a=5;//varibale declaraction
$b=10;//variable declaraction
if($a>=$b)//check statement less then and equal
echo " a is greater then then b";//print statement
echo "b is greater then the a";//print statement
Increment&Decrement Operators
Increment and decrement operators are used in programming to increment or decrement the value of a variable by a specific amount. It's important to note that using these operators can have side effects and should be used with caution to avoid unintended consequences, such as infinite loops or unexpected behavior in complex expressions.
The increment operator (++) is used to increase the value of a variable by one. It can be written as
, and both forms have the same effect of incrementing the variable by 1.The decrement operator (--) is used to decrease the value of a variable by one. It can be written as
, and both forms have the same effect of decrementing the variable by 1.These operators are commonly used in loops, such as for loops or while loops, to control the iteration and manipulate the counter variable.
<title>increment/decrement Operators</title>
$a=10;//variable declaraction
echo "output with increment ".++$a;//pre increment
echo"<br>";//line break
echo "Output should be without increment: ".$a++;//post increment
echo"<br>";//line break
echo "Output should be with increment:".$a;
echo"<br>";//line break
$a=10;//variable declaraction
echo "output with deccrement ".--$a;//pre decrement
echo"<br>";//line break
echo "Output should be without decrement: ".$a--;//post decrement
echo"<br>";//line break
echo "Output should be with decrement:".$a;
The AND operator (&&) returns true if both operands are true, and false otherwise.
The OR operator (||) returns true if at least one of the operands is true, and false otherwise.
The NOT operator (!) reverses the boolean value of its operand.
These operators are commonly used to make decisions in conditional statements.
Logical operators are fundamental tools for controlling program flow and evaluating conditions in programming.
<title>my web</title>
$a=10;//variable declaration & assigning value
$b=5; //variable declaration & assigning value
//AND operation...
if($a==10 and $b==5)//check two conditions are equal or not
echo"you can access";//print statement
echo"Not access";//print statement
//OR operation
if($a==10 or $b==5)//one condition true is always true
echo"you can access";//print statement
echo"Not access";//print statement
//Xor operation
if($a==10 Xor $b==10)// if both the situation is OK then you will get the False answer .if both the situation os False then you will get the Ok answer
echo"you can access";//print statement
echo"Not access";//print statement
//Not equal operation
$x=10;//variable declaration & assigning value
if($x!==10)//Check condition value not equal
echo"You can access";//print statement
echo"Not access";//print statment